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Where are you based?


Mulhouse, Alsace, France

How old are you?




Economic sciences (1 year) > Digital Communication (4 years) > Introduction to sewing (UAL - 6 months)

What's your former job?


I had many during my studies to finance them, so my latest was in London as a cook (my second passion)!

How many are you?

I'm alone doing everything from stylism, model making, prototypes, communication and so on.

But there are still people around to help me build the project. For example, I do prototypes until the very last one, supported by two studios, in Paris and Mulhouse, as for the industrialization.

Planning on hiring, internship?

Not for now, but certainly in a year or two!


Where do you get your fabrics and accessories?

When I start a prototype, to validate the volume, I use fabrics and accessories from second hand clothes and sometimes my clothes (I'm not obsessed about them haha). For the next and the final products, we aim to use at least 70 to 80% sustainable fabrics for each.

Where did the fabrics for the final products come from?


Only from Europe (France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden), as close as possible from me and the studios. I'm really careful about decreasing the ecological impact and sourcing the most sustainable fabrics of high quality, which is why I took these decisions.



Almost everything around me without exception. Nature for the most part,

but we're kind all part of nature so..! I combine all my thoughts, what I saw,

feel, smell and so on.

Brands collaboration?

For now, I'm kinda busy, but soon enough yeah!

This is a part of our mission to share and cross knowledges, right?

When will you release SS21?

A crowdfunding will soon start, releasing the first SS21 pieces, stay tuned !

"NUITNOIRE" what does this mean?

Nuit: Night, Noire: Black.

I'm a night person since I'm born, I love this moment where you can truly focus on the present. I leave in a place where I can enjoy a deep black night sky but enlighten by millions of stars, and started thinking about the wall universe as one. This is where and when I have most of my ideas coming, as the name, that immediately sounds natural to me.

How did you find and made your logo?

I made my logotype by myself, from a sheet of paper to Illustrator and Photoshop Adobe. I wanted something abstract and minimalist, easy to recognize, and personal. Personal because I was inspired by the scientific works of my father and some other scientifical concepts that I tried to translate in artistically way.

What about SS22?

A lot of things will be different, a step forward to what should be fashion to me.

Favorite brands?


Nope, but there are a few brands I like.

Also, I don't focus on brands and try (I specify the "try") to not get to inspired by them, knowing it's impossible not to partly be. Also I mostly buy my clothes on thrift shops, paradoxal for someone who create its brand haha!


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